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Purification of the Chakras
by Tetrahedron

Detailed information on chakras and meridians can be obtained in the book "Ecopsychology".

Very important!

It is unacceptable to work with chakras and meridians without switching totally and forever to the killing-free diet, without quitting smoking, drinking alcohol, using other narcotic drugs.


Extracts from the book "Ecopsychology" (by Dr.Vladimir Antonov):

Chakras have a form of more or less regular spheres with the exception of the upper chakra sahasrara which looks like a lying disk, and muladhara which looks as a dome.

Chakras do not have, as some authors claim, an internal lotus-like structure; this is a fantasy. Although, exercises, involving creation of temporary images of flowers inside chakras and even feeling delicate aroma in them, are very good.

Chakras also do not have a specific color inherent to them and they are not supposed to have it. This is also nothing but a popular fantasy. And attempts of coloring the chakras in accordance with colors of the rainbow constitute a downright and serious self-injuring or injuring of the disciples, who followed such recommendations.

One has to strive to cleanse the chakras as much as possible of all impurities that are energetically coarser than a tender white color with a slight goldish-amber hue. This is the path to cognizing Atman and God. But deliberate fixation of other colors inside the chakras means tuning them to coarser modes of operation, which cripples students and prevents them from attaining Perfection.

It is beneficial to let morning sunlight or scents of flowers into the cleansed chakras.

We also may invite our favorite Divine Teacher into anahata, learn to look at everything with His eyes and ask Him for advice…

God once gave me a wonderful method of cleansing anahata and other chakras — an exercise with a tetrahedron. If this exercise is supplemented with influencing the chakras by particular sound vibrations specific for each chakra (mantras), then in a couple of months of training the chakras transform into structures shining with tenderness and purity.

* * *

There exist certain combinations of sounds (a sort of mantras), singing of which contributes to the development of the chakras by producing resonant vibrations. Mantras will also help us attain clear sensation of our chakras. Here are these mantras:

for sahasrara — AM (a-a-am),

for ajna — VOM (vo-o-om),

for vishuddha — HAM (ha-a-am),

for anahata — YAM (ya-a-am),

for manipura — RAM (ra-a-am),

for svadhisthana — VAM (va-a-am),

for muladhara — LAM (la-a-am).

One has to sing these mantras gently, producing high frequency sounds (taking female voices as a pattern for the pitch), but not in a loud voice, at the same time concentrating in the corresponding chakras. When moving the concentration of the consciousness into the next chakra, one should enter it from behind the back or the nape of the neck, as if getting into a cell or a niche.

One has to repeat the whole set of mantras several times, trying to achieve clear perception of vibrations in all chakras.

This exercise must be practiced every day. When there is no possibility to sing the mantras aloud, one may sing them mentally to oneself but only after mastering singing them aloud.

If the very subtle and gentle singing of the mantras for chakras has not been mastered — no further work can be successful. Men usually are the ones who have this difficulty especially frequently, since subtlety is often unknown to them. The following recommendation may help them. Take some water in the mouth and start gargling so that a gurgling sound can be heard. Bring the water lower down the throat. The sound must become higher. Let it reach as high of a pitch as possible. Those are the notes, at which one has to sing the mantras for chakras.

* * *

Let us learn another method of cleansing and development of the chakras. Visualize behind the anahata a white shining 3-dimensional figure formed by four equilateral triangles with joined sides. This figure is called a tetrahedron. Insert this figure into each chakra (one chakra at a time) from behind, with one of the tetrahedron vertices looking forward, while rotating it rapidly counterclockwise (looking from behind) around a horizontal axis coming from back to front. For the two outermost chakras the rotation of the tetrahedron must be performed around a vertical axis; in case of sahasrara the vertex of the tetrahedron must look upward, while in case of muladhara — downward. The direction of the rotation of the tetrahedron for these two chakras must be counterclockwise (looking from inside the body). Performance of this exercise will be easier if we combine it with “blowing” of the corresponding mantra into each chakra.

* * *

Working with a tetrahedron and with yidam as well as developing other chakras — this is the level of seriousness of exercises which must not be open to everyone interested.

Under no circumstances those who did not switch totally and forever to the killing-free diet on ethical grounds or those who do not show progress in the refinement of the consciousness, should do this kind of exercises.

Otherwise, the very methods that can produce a refining and purifying effect on the organism, will fix and increase its energetic coarseness. This is the path in the opposite from God direction.

This kind of psychoenergetic work is also incompatible with taking alcohol — even in the form of kvass, kumiss or industrially manufactured kefir. The reason for this is that the fine structures of the organism, which are being built, get destroyed in this case that results in dangerous illnesses. People starting this kind of work have to give up alcohol forever.

These methods increase the practitioner’s sensitivity to energetic influence from other people as well as to information that spirits of lower levels of development may impose. Therefore there is a danger that people who are not intellectually and ethically mature will not be able to react adequately to this kind of influence, especially in precarious situations, be they real or imaginary.

Because of this people less than 20 years old must not engage in this kind of work. Actually, only few adults may benefit from it.

Psychoenergetic trainings that result in one’s reaching high levels of refinement of the consciousness and — as a consequence — to feeling of its “nakedness” under no circumstances must be conducted for the masses of people. Only the selected ones can be admitted to them. The rest of people have a possibility to grow intellectually and ethically in the conditions of exoteric work on self-improvement: by accumulating new knowledge, by serving other people, and by strengthening one’s own faith.

* * *

The condition of the chakras is closely interrelated with the condition of the physical organs located in the corresponding parts of the body. The chakras play an important role in supplying the organs with energy, while diseases of the organs negatively affect the condition of the chakras.

For example, the following chakras are responsible for the following organs:

— anahata: heart, lungs, arms, and mammary glands;

— manipura: among other organs — stomach and other structures of the digestive system;

— svadhisthana: the organs of reproduction, urinary bladder, legs, and others;

— sahasrara: forebrain hemispheres;

— ajna: the rest of the brain, as well as eyes, ears, nose, and nasopharynx;

— vishuddha: the entire neck, thyroid, both jaws, including teeth, and others. (The border between the “spheres of influence” of ajna and vishuddha coincides with the palate).

* * *

All exercises with the chakras described above (as well as with meridians, which will be described later) are more efficiently performed while standing.

But there is a simple exercise with the spiritual heart that everyone may try doing without any pre-conditions. Imagine that your head has moved into the chest. Feel the nose, the forehead, the lips. Move the lips. In order for the head not to rise to its usual position, we may imagine that we put a hat on the head. Then follows the most important thing: we need to open the eyes and to “blink” the eyelids there… From now on, learn to look at the outside world from the chest. The world will look completely different: not as tough and hostile, but as subtle, tender, and responsive to the emotions of love.

This is what is called opening of the spiritual heart. As we can see, this is quite easy to do. The only thing required here is one’s will!

Later on, one needs to learn to look from anahata not only forward but also backward.

One has to perform the exercices with the chakras and all further meditative trainings with open eyes. (You may try to find out yourself — why?)

This is what is called opening of the spiritual heart. As we can see, this is quite easy to do. The only thing required here is one’s will!

* * *

Having mastered this, we have to do the same with all other chakras. (The “windows” of muladhara and sahasrara look downward and upward respectively. But we can look also forward and backward from these chakras).

Learning to look backward is important not only because it contributes to the development of the chakras, but also because by looking forward we accustom ourselves to seeing the world of material objects, while pure and subtle eons with the Consciousness that lives in them are found behind.

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Mantras for chakras


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