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Vladimir Antonov


The ability to attune oneself to the tender Beauty is one of the important conditions for successful spiritual growth.

This is necessary not only for esthetical but also for ethical self-transformation in accordance with those precepts (ethical principles) that God suggests us through His Messiahs-Avatars. (You can read about this in detail in such books as [6]). Yet it is essential not only to read about this and agree with the correctness of these principles of conduct, thinking, and emotional reaction, but also to apply them to oneself, transforming oneself as a soul in accordance with them.

The best way to achieve this is to work persistently with the relevant texts: to read them many times, to copy for oneself the most important — on the current stage of development — principles, to discuss these topics with like-minded friends with the analysis of concrete life situations.

Later it is greatly advisable to read again and again the entire list of precepts: in this case, we have a possibility to notice what we did not notice before. One of our properties is that we perceive each subsequent, deeper layer of information only when we have assimilated the previous ones.

Let us understand that a person who possesses strong egocentrism and lives in the emotions of anger, irritation, condemnation, as well as envy, jealousy, fear, and depression, does not have any chances to advance significantly on the spiritual Path.

… It is said about some people: “Beautiful soul!” What does this mean?

This means that such people have developed themselves as spiritual hearts and live now without the above mentioned negative emotions. They are humble, not violent, never rude, calm and energetic at the same time. They give others the emotions of their heart love, they are kind, ready to help those who need help, keep what they said, reliable.

These qualities of the soul are greatly appreciated not only by the people around them but also by God. And such incarnate people are those who are accepted by Holy Spirits and Messiahs as their closest disciples. God takes care of them before all others, and that is why they can advance successfully and quickly towards the Perfection.

But how to achieve this state?

Apart from what was said about the work with the sacred texts, it is necessary, first and foremost, to develop oneself as a spiritual heart.

The given topic was the foundation of the ancient Christian tradition known as Hesychasm [7]. It also constituted the essence of all other true religious traditions.

After all, what is, for example, true Christianity? This is the Teachings of Jesus Christ, which do not consist in the participation in some rites of supposed “salvation” or in praying to someone so that this person can get the forgiveness of one’s sins from God! Jesus Christ never taught this! On the contrary, the Teachings of Jesus explain how one can perfect oneself so as to become truly Perfect, Divine, so as to become a Christ, that is, an incarnate Representative of the Creator on the Earth, coessential to Him!

Let me repeat this thought more concisely: Christianity is the Teachings of Jesus Christ about how to become a Christ!

Jesus put it plainly: be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48), and learn this from Me (Matthew 11:29)!

He also spoke about the methodology of such self-perfection: God is Love (John 4:16), and therefore to approach the Divine Perfection, we should develop mainly the aspect of Love in ourselves! (See more details in [6,7]).

The same, but with slightly different words, was taught by all Divine Teachers: strive — through love, first of all — to develop yourselves in order to cognize the Creator of all that exists in the material world and, after achieving the Perfection, flow into Him [6]!

Could it happen that, having read about the possibility of reaching the state of Christ, many weak-minded and other mentally deficient people would start to insist that they have already become Christs?

This is why, among other purposes, it is necessary to explain how and by what efforts these heights of the Perfection are reached! It should be done in order to reduce the number of such “Christs”!

… There is a wise saying of Socrates: Cognize yourself — and then you will cognize the whole world!

Yes, it is crucial to understand one’s own place in the universe and the meaning of one’s life within the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness [6,7,10,11 and others]…

Yet this knowledge comes, among other ways, through the work with certain structures of one’s own organism. And this is not only the brain, which should be bioenergetically clean and function properly, but also the chakras, first of all, the chakra anahata and the spiritual heart that grows inside it and then from it [7].

Only if we understand all this, we can develop ourselves as souls (or consciousnesses) effectively!

Sometimes a spiritual heart develops even if a person does not know about this energy structure. Such conditions are created, above all, during a harmonious matrimony and upbringing children. Yet this is true, mainly for those who are incarnated in female bodies. If, on the contrary, we see heartiness in a man, this is the result of his successful past incarnation in a female body or of the use of special spiritual practices.

There are special techniques for the development of a spiritual heart [7]. They are really effective, but only for those who truly strive for spiritual growth and want to be pleasant and useful for God and people of Good.

I already have told in some of my books about my ancient acquaintance, a psychologist by his education and profession. The principal and probably the only method of his “psychological” influence on other people was to shout at them and flood them with the emotions of his hatred.

I taught him the techniques for “opening” of the spiritual heart, and then one night he telephoned me, waking me up, and insisted that he should come to me immediately… Having come, he told me that he, as always, had been waiting at the bus stop for a bus to take him home. Suddenly he had seen some people approaching the bus stop. “In such cases,” — he said, — “I always hated them! But this time I, all of a sudden, felt that… I loved them! What is it? ¿Is this how your methods work?”

I explained to him that this is what every one should strive for: for the “opening” and further development of heart love!

However, I could not help him: he played this “psychological” game and preferred to return to his former way of life. This is how he chose a path to hell for himself, since hell is the place filled with those who hate…

On the contrary, those for whom God is dear, God Who is Love, choose for themselves the path to paradise and then — to the Creator, to His Abode!

… Love and Beauty are closely intertwined!

The Creator made His Creation in such a way that we can choose what to strive for: for the coarse, dull, or ugly — or for the objects of the subtle Beauty.

Those who strive for hell have chosen the former.

Those who esteem Beauty, Love, and God — perfect themselves on the Path towards the Creator, on the Path of the cognition of Him and Mergence with Him. And He is the Supreme Beauty!

… At the same time, we need to take into account that the beings of hell sometimes affirm that the path chosen by them leads to paradise… And that the Beauty is the “intrigues of the devil” attracting us to hell…

The notions about God are also completely perverted among such people. For them God is a terrifying Judge Who punishes with the suffering of hell.

In reality, God is the Supreme and Perfect Love!

However, only those who have cognized Him can know this for sure. And they affirm: yes, this is really so!

Those Who have flowed into Him manifest Themselves for the worthy ones as Holy Spirits, and They recount how They walked to the Perfection by the Path of Love and Beauty! [6]

* * *

So, how can those who already have “opened” their spiritual hearts continue to master the Beauty?

At the first stage, the principal method can be the attunement to isolated objects of Beauty. These can be beautiful souls incarnated in beautiful bodies, relevant works of art, including erotic ones, as well as some animals and plants. They necessarily should lead to the refinement of the consciousness, since God — in the Aspects of the Creator and Holy Spirits — is the Subtlest of all that exists!

During emotional attunement to the beautiful and subtlest objects and phenomena, we assimilate the qualities that they have.

On the contrary, when we attune to the coarse, we — voluntarily or not — become coarser as souls.

So, let those who want to advance on the spiritual Path, the Path to God, look, to help themselves, for the objects of Beauty in spite of the yells and threats of the servants of hell!

And let us become gradually a part of this Beauty during such meditative trainings!

The further growth on this Path is achieved through the same attunement to the objects of Beauty each time bigger in size. For example, instead of one flower, which grows in a meadow, let a whole meadow of beautiful flowers, with their fragrance, with butterflies and the singing of birds, meadow illuminated with the rays of the rising, tender, morning sun, be the object for such an attunement!

One, as a soul, can not only merge with this tenderness, but also learn to hold it on one’s own arms of love, which come out from the spiritual heart and which are coessential to it!

A soul (or consciousness) has the ability to grow quantitatively, but such growth is correct only if it is performed by the spiritual heart. This the only way of traversing the Straight Path to the Creator!

Let me stress once again that the development of the arms of the consciousness — arms of the spiritual heart — is crucial! This allows one to learn to experience oneself in the subtle and subtlest eons of the multidimensional space and move from one eon to another — up to the Abode of the Creator. This movement is realized with the help of the immaterial arms that have been grown to a great size.

After mastering the functions of the arms of the consciousness, we can, among other things, correct the bioenergetic defects in our own bodies (and in the bodies of other people), healing them.

* * *

Let us not kill flowers, tearing them off or cutting them in order to contemplate their slow dying in a vase or in a jar filled with water!

Or, maybe, we think that by giving someone a bouquet of flowers we do good to that person?

No! The dying flowers create quite unfavorable energy fields of death. These fields cause real harm to the health and spiritual advancement of those who find themselves inside them! And the bigger a bouquet, the more intensive such an influence is.

Our love-compassion should embrace all forms of life, including plants: we should not cause them unjustified harm!

* * *

Beauty is not just a property of the external, relative to us, objects. We ourselves — as souls — should become the objects of Beauty!

For this it is not enough only to have an “opened” chakra anahata.

The Purity and Beauty should be in emotions, thoughts, and acts!

If we have learned to live in the chakra anahata and look from it at the surrounding world, then it is easy to master the complete control over our emotions! We just need not to forget to control our state: when the slightest manifestations of undesirable emotions appear in us, we just make little effort so as to move, with the concentration of the consciousness, into the anahata — and inner calm and love are restored!

How to learn this? For this, we have created and published many times the system of psychic self-regulation, the base of which is the purification and development of the chakras and main meridians! [7 and others]

… We are surrounded by a multitude of people who live constantly in dirty emotions of condemnation, hatred, and disdain for others. These are people of guna tamas, i.e. those who chose for themselves a path to hell — the “rubbish heap” of the process of the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness.

Such people can also be called as dirty souls.

This is clear enough. However, let us look at ourselves and ask ourselves: do I still have an ability to be in such emotions? Am I capable of being in these states even for a short time, for example, by allowing myself to be influenced by someone’s dirty opinion?

If yes, could it mean that some part of me as a soul remained dirty? After all, only a dirty (to this or that degree) soul can maintain and generate dirty emotions!

It is also necessary to watch over one’s own thoughts, since the respective emotions appear as a result of light and bad thoughts. A surplus concentration of thoughts on someone’s incorrect acts or qualities results in leaving the state of love and loosing the quality of beauty of the soul.

Nevertheless, we should learn to distinguish the emotions of condemnation — and the critical valuation of these or those phenomena, including the qualities and acts of concrete people. It is essential to develop in oneself the ability to distinguish the true and the false! Without this, one cannot choose a right path for oneself!

Thoughts and emotions determine, to a considerable extent, our acts.

It is not right to live and act according to the principle “I want!” or “I don’t want!”, yielding to one’s own primitive reflexes! We must dedicate our lives to the realization of our higher predestination [6,11] and serve as an example of this for other people.

By the way, the illustration of the mass subjugation of people to the vice of gluttony is an alimentation by the bodies of animals.

Humans, by their biological nature, are not predators. However, many people — by their own will or in imitation of others — make themselves predators, and this becomes the cause of their evolutionary degradation. After all, there is no possibility to obtain the Beauty of the Great Soul (Mahatma), causing unjustified suffering and death to other beings! Killings out of selfish motives are incompatible with Love and Beauty of the soul!

* * *

Sometimes people object, saying that we need protein food! Yes, they are right, but we can obtain all necessary to us amino acids (components of proteins) from dairy products and bird’s eggs. Mushrooms, nuts, and products made from soybeans are also rich in proteins. A variety of these products, as well as of many others, including cereals, tomatoes, and vegetables, introduced into the nutrition, provides us with a delicious and healthy diet both for the soul and body. The author of this article has been eating in this way for forty years already and has excellent health! (Now I am almost 70).

I can also mention that not all adults digest milk well. This is because the human organism with age stops generating the ferments necessary to process some components of milk. In this case, yes, it makes sense to stop drinking milk.

Moreover, it is necessary to take into account that in the food industry powdered milk is added to many kinds of confectionery (some sorts of cookies, of chocolate), as well as in the majority of mayonnaises, and this can cause problems with digestion. Therefore, it would be correct to examine the composition of such products before buying them.

Bird’s eggs should be excluded from the nutrition, but only at the higher stages of the meditative trainings.

* * *

As we perfect ourselves, the vast landscapes — of many kilometers — mountain, forest, steppe, and water ones — can become the objects for our emotional attunement…

Thus, gradually, provided that we adhere to pure (sattvic) nutrition and follow the principle of not causing any kind of unjustified harm to other beings, including plants, we (as souls) grow as the Beauty!

… Later we will be able to merge with the Beauty of Holy Spirits. After all, this is the Beauty of God Himself!

Only those who are ethically pure and refined as the developed souls up to the level of the subtlety of Holy Spirits develop the ability to perceive Them. To do this, it is also necessary to grow as a consciousness up to a great size, since the capacity of the consciousness depends on this.

… They all are beautiful! Among Them there are the representatives of both sexes. This, as a general rule, is determined by the sex of the body during the last incarnation. Each One of Them is Perfect Love, although Each One also has His or Her own tinges of Love. You can try to familiarize yourselves with this phenomenon with the help of a series of photographs, taken by us, of the Mahadoubles of Holy Spirits on their “working sites” (

All of Them, as Consciousnesses, can merge into One, forming the United We. Yet They also can manifest Their Perfect Individuality when realizing concrete deeds on the Earth.

That incarnate person who has become worthy of it can also merge with Them — first with One of Them individually and then with the United We.

Their Perfect Divine Beauty is superior to any terrene and paradisiacal one!

It is real to submerge forever into Their Beauty and Bliss! And now we know how to achieve this!

… Holy Spirits, as well as the Consciousnesses of the Messiahs (or Avatars), are seen as white and transparent light, which can include goldish or (rarely) pink tinges, and sometimes scarlet ones.

The intensity of Their luminosity is determined by the power of Their Intention manifested in a given moment. It can be deep Transparent Calm (called Turiya state) or, on the contrary, Divine Fire (manifested sometimes as the Sun of God). [7,10,11]

On a scale of the universe, Turiya state can be compared with Infinite and Eternal Ocean of Calm with Fire Inclusions inside It. These Inclusions appear where there are inhabited planets and where the intensive Process of the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness goes.

In order to become totally Perfect, it is necessary to master all these states, know how to act from them, and many other things.

The “seas” of Divine Fire can be created not only by concrete Holy Spirits, but also by Their United We. These are the Supreme Manifestations of Beauty! This is the Tenderest Flame That takes into Its Bliss the worthy ones!

However, this Fire is unbearable for the people of vice.

Let those who love God strive to approach It — step by step, stage after stage — in order to become It and, from the United We of all the Perfect Ones, help to the development of those who evolve in the material bodies on the Earth and on other planets.

* * *

A person develops himself or herself according to the three main directions: intellectual, ethical, and psychoenergetical. While doing this, he or she masters the main qualities of God: Love, Wisdom, and Power.

Beauty, tenderness, and subtlety of an individual consciousness are some of the facets of Love and should be mastered by every one.

You can acquaint yourselves with the illustrations to the theme of Beauty on our web-sites: and



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